Monday, May 19, 2008


We've all been trying to excersize more. So my hubby and bro danny went to ride bikes and i had the window open enjoying the sunshine when i heard the really loud animated MEEEOOOWW 3 or 4 time so Im thinkin those boys so i go to the window and say you guys are sooo silly stop it your going to wake the babys and stuff like that so i walk out waiting for the oncoming boys to jump out and try to scare me only to find i really was conversing with a cat. Thank goodness the cat was the only one there to witness my mrs. doolittle


Sis. Lori P. said...

Chatting with a cat? Mmm... you really need to get out more! You are so funny!

Tiffany said...

Hehe thats cute Mandy.

Sis Stubby said...

Now the ? is . Did the cat talk back?

Charlene said...

this made my day your such a hoot I miss you too I am hopeing for skycamp when is it again so I can plan I want our girls to cook together too love you so much Sister Mandy Love Sister Charlene

Kristen said...

Mandy your such a dork, I love you sooooooo much and laughed so hard when you told me this!

melissa said...

hehe thats to funny as i read this i thought about you in 6th grade when ms.lund had brought in a lamb to disect i remember you having a fit and you didnt want to watch you kept saying ohhh poor thing lol you were quite the animal lover

:.☂Raine☂.: said...

Mandy..this post made me giggle. You're so funny.

Let's get movin' girl! Maybe we should go for walks after I work on mon, wed, and friday. That way we're staying active. We can take the kids and power walk baby!

Sister D said...

LOL! Mandy that gave me my chuckle for the day! Sis. Melissa - nothing has changed! Mandy is still that sweet sensitive girl you knew in school and we sure love her for it :)