Friday, February 5, 2010


Today was beautiful. what a blessing from the lord. i got home from some early morn errands and decided it was so sunny and nice I'd take the kids to the park and for anyone who doesn't know my son well he's kinda wild well anyway he promptly decides to take off his shoes to give his socks a mud bath that boy socks deserve quickly finding the deepest puddle in the park. Later we are sitting there together on the slide platform and an airplane flies by and james said "an airplane an airplane daddy's up there." Oh, we miss our daddy more than even I could tell a week is just toooooo long away to be split in half. Enjoy him while you can and may the lord bless him with the vacation in this wife's humble opinion that he sorely needs and deserves. well enough mushy stuff back to fun in the park. So after awhile james decides he wants to sword fight with sister but my sweet abby is busily collecting acorns for squirrels and is completely absorbed so i decide to play we had so much fun james is such a swash buckler but then later of course james decides to combine mud with the sword and paints sisters hair brown with sticky gooey mud. oh no well bath time and then hopefully some rest. :D


Sis. Lori P. said...

Sounds like you had a fun day, trying to distract yourself from the fact that your honey was WAY across the country! Love you!

Rosalie said...

Those are the best kind of Mommy memories to store away in your heart!! We missed you and the kids not being here in OK, but we sure enjoyed Jordan. Love and miss all of you there.

Sister D said...

What a sweet heart knowing you felt "split in half" but being thankful your hubby got a much needed break from work in his vacation. I laughed at the picture of him painting your sweet girls hair with mud! What memories :)