Thursday, May 7, 2009

night time scare

Abigail and I were on our way home from church last night and when we got to my street we turned off the main road and there was this car driving slow way to far over on our side going the opposite direction. They were ... headed to the main road so i moved over on my side and slowly came to a stop in the road to give them plenty of time and space to pass, when all of the sudden they start speeding backward and pull backward into the carqwest driveway. Anyway at this point Im just thinking maybe they're just mad because I didn't move over so after waiting a short time to see if they were wanting to try to go again, they didn't, so i started to go i barely passed them when they pull our fairly fast and start tailing me really close at this point I'm getting concerned to say the least. So I'm getting reading to pull into my apartment driveway with this scary car following me and driving very suspiciously when God sends to cars pulling out of the driveway and the car for whatever reason pull off to the side of the road. I called my husband, extreamly thankful at that moment for him, and he came out and got me to the house. After praying about it i was able to sleep just fine. Thanks to God for taking care of me and abby


Sis. Frankie said...

Oh I am so thankful that God took care of you and Abby. That had to be very scary.

Charlene said...

I am very thankful for God and how he watces over us I am very glad he was watching my 2 dear friends. love you Sis

Jackie said...

That is so scary!! I am glad the the Lord watched over you!!

Sister D said...

I'm thankful for the Lords watchful care over you! Made me think of my daughters scary testimony about someone following her that I heard about the first time when she testified about it in church! Our Heavenly Father has shown me many times that His arms are not short, He even sends his angels to watch over us.